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The plant is known as Mondia whitei which is a root plant commonly found in the central and eastern part of the African continent that has been traditionally used by the people of east and central Africa to improve the sexual performance in man and improve sexual performance in women. Mondia whitei.
A powerful herbal solution to your sexual problems. Directly imported from our cultivators in Africa! Mondia whitei is also known as White’s ginger which is particularly popular in Uganda. Therefore medicinal plants are more common than medication. It’s use is to increase libido, penis size, manage low sperm count and in conclusion it improves male fertility. Studies suggest that M. whitei may be similar to Viagra, therefore it enhances the desire for sex, help increase testosterone levels, increases human sperm motility, treats erectile dysfunction but without any side effects. Mondia whitei roots are also for women estrogen, desire for sex, appetizer, flavors, and a stimulant for milk production in lactating mothers. Chewing the Mondia whitei roots is to help clear hangovers from beers in addition to controlling stomach ache.
Health Benefits:
Mulondo herb roots improves female libido and used as aphrodisiac for males and .
It is an aphrodisiac and promotes sexual arousal, enhances sexual performance, increases sensitivity and cure erectile dysfunction in men.
is a herbal climbing plant linked to the control of impotence problems.
A root of is flavoring, appetizing and it is also a fantastic source of minerals and vitamins.
It helps with female milk production.
It treats sexual impotence in male.
Mulondo herb is a aphrodisiac that demonstrates its ability to increase testosterone production.
Relaxes corpus cavernosum tissue.
Enhances human sperm function.
Has effect on erectile dysfunction similar to Viagra
in conclusion it stimulates the release of nitric oxide which relaxes muscles, increases blood flow and causes erections.
May help ease menstrual pain
Remedy for ailments such as heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, gonorrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, appetite stimulant, asthma, and high blood pressure.
It tested positive for micro-nutrients like vitamins A, D E and K, zinc, iron, magnesium, and calcium
Other Uses of Mondia whitei
may enhance cerebral and peripheral blood circulation
May help with heartburn
Helps with stress levels and depression
helps eliminate hangovers
may improve sleep, help with allergies, may enhance memory and also believed to improve vision. Mulondo herb
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